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Schmetterling Heike Renz

Paper productstextile productsChildrens dessinsWallpapersCarpetsInformationLiberal paintingIllustrations

Impressum according to § 6 TDG - Germany

Responsable for the content of the domain www.heike-renz.de i.S.d.P. is: Mrs. Heike Renz.
Responsable for the content of linked sites are their owners, so we exclude any warranty for their sites.

heike renz textil-design
Jägerstrasse 7
D - 71083 Herrenberg

Domicile of the company: Herrenberg, Germany

Phone: (+49) 7032 - 790652

Trademark ( Picture & text ) and the website are protected by copyright.
Website & scripting: Südwest-Internet Tübingen, Germany

    © 2003 heike renz textildesign - impress